invascular ett

Fitness & Conditioning

For Recreational Sports Enthusiasts

Measurement of blood vessel(s) structure  & function, as well as cardiorespiratory fitness, strength and body composition.  Before,  during and after training period.

Realistic periodised strength/power and/or endurance programmes, designed with your life commitments in mind.

Event day support available as a mobile unit, for individual or group/ team.

invascular ett

vascular exercise training: HEALTH, FITNESS & performance.

Each exercise programme will follow an individualised plan to safely improve and progress all areas of health and fitness, delivered in the way you want; supervised face to face, remotely or blended.

Developing functional strength and endurance for performance, injury prevention, weight management, adaptation of the vasculature and the musculature that it supplies. 

For those already engaged in structured training (InVascular ETT design or their own coach), further enhancing vascular and muscular adaptation can be stimulated whether that be during rehabilitation, recovery, or loading phases.

This adjunct method provides significant strength or endurance improvements with minimal to modest exertion. It necessitates monitoring tests during each session to calibrate working intensity and duration safely. A completed PAR-Q form is required before the initial meet-up.